Banda Innocent
Laston chose to study at Proclamation Institute Zambia (PIZ) to be equipped for church planting work. He graduated from PIZ in November 2016. “After my graduation from PIZ on 17th November 2016, went back to Mkushi church where I am from originally. At the moment, I am doing Prison Ministry, teaching the youth on how to preach, visiting Churches in various District's whilst helping other churches and elders concerning preaching and church planting”. Hanjalika Clemore
Clemore chose to study at Proclamation Institute Zambia (PIZ) to open his eyes “for the need to be well equipped with biblical knowledge before serving Christ and spreading His gospel”. Clemore graduated from PIZ in November 2016 and is now in Monze. “I am in Monze at the main church where I am assisting my pastor in pastoral work. I completed my training at PIZ where I was taught how to handle the scripture and was equipped in pastoral work at the local church. My main aim is to gain further studies in Theology and become a Lecturer at PIZ. I am also glad to let you know that I was accepted at the Central African Baptist Bible College (CABBC) and at Evangelical University (EU). Proclamation Institute Zambia was a good foundation for me into pastoral work. I thank once again the sponsors who helped me gain PIZ training”. |
Mumbi Cecilia
Cecilia chose to study at Proclamation Institute Zambia, PIZ, to deepen her relationship with Lord Jesus Christ and thus to continue working among students in schools, Colleges and Universities. Cecilia graduated from PIZ in November 2016. “Proclamation Institute Zambia was to me a blessing and still is. I haven't only grown to another level Spiritually but I have also grown in wisdom and knowledge. Bible teaching and practical teachings really moulded my life and prepared me for what I'm to meet in society as well as the church at large. After my graduation, I attended a Scripture Union camp at Lufwanyama boarding school in December for a week where I was asked to preach to the young people. Thereafter I attended a PAOG National youth camp in Kabwe where I was greatly impacted and later went to Tanzania, Iringa for a conference "Go missions conference" which was held under the theme "An instrument for the Master's use" from 2Timothy. I intend to work with ZAFES - Zambia fellowship of Evangelical Students an interdenominational Christian organisation and to further my studies". Mukaka Maybin
Maybin chose to study at Proclamation Institute Zambia (PIZ) to be equipped for church planting work. He graduated from PIZ in November 2016. “The course has done me well in the work of the ministry of the word. From being brought up in a Pentecostal and charismatic back ground, I have been helped so much thanks to PIZ. It has helped me to understand and preach the Bible, how to prepare a sermon, to preach the word within the context and to interpreted the scripture rather than imposing an interpretation on the scripture itself. Now that I have graduated I am looking for an internship with some established church which will allow me to follow God’s will. While waiting to be accepted, I am involved in public preaching in prisons”. |
Chanda Lenox
Lenox chose to stud at Proclamation Zambia (PIZ) to enrich his ministry and church plant. Lenox Graduated from PIZ in November 2016 "PIZ has changed me. I have come from being a preacher to being equipped to church plant. This is my burning desire. Four places have already been identified for 2017. Nevertheless elders from 13 churches have drawn up a teaching program for me. As if this is not enough, individual churches are sending in their invitations. PIZ should be supported. I have benefited from the education and it is my prayer that many more will do the same". Lungu Jonathan
Elias Mwewa Musonda
Elias chose to study at Proclamation Institute Zambia (PIZ) to be equipped to plant churches. Elias graduated from PIZ in November 2016. “I've been entrusted with a responsibility to lead the planting of an English church in Kitwe West, Zambia. It is a new upcoming township. There is a good population and more houses are being built and some being upgraded together with new institutional housing settlements. The nearest Gospel church is in Chibuluma, quite a distance away. We have been able to secure a residential plot, a kind church member donated the plot. We have applied for a Church plot from the city authorities and are waiting for their response. We started Evangelism work in November, going from door to door. House meetings have begun this January. We have plans to start prayer meetings and pulpit ministry soon”. |
Chishala Semus
Sems chose to study at Proclamation Institute Zambia (PIZ) to be equipped to preach and train people at a Bible school. Semus graduated from PIZ in November 2016. “I am continuing with my pastoral care service delivery by organizing activities such as: sermons for Church elders, deacons, deaconesses and the youth within my catchment area. I also embark on general pastoral tours from one Church to the other to help believers grow spiritually. Apart from these, I work as a part-time lecturer at Clifton Bible School, where I am also providing guidance and counselling services to married couples, even in other Churches. I have been preaching throughout all of December and January. Finally, if I was supported financially, I could work full-time in Itinerary preaching, lecturing at Bible school and general pastoral care within my area”. Maimbah David
David chose to study at Proclamation Institute Zambia (PIZ) to be equipped for church planting work. He graduated from PIZ in November 2016. “PIZ has done many things, including imparting me with training in: Theological preaching, Church planting, Leadership and other skills. After PIZ I have been involved in a Church planting programme in Lufwanyama under my local church Kalulushi Central Baptist”. Kandela Brian
Bunda Lastone